Exhibitors Selection


S-TEC was founded in 2006 as a company of Magna, one of the world leading automotive suppliers and is characterized by quality thinking, fairness and world-class production. The headquarter is located in Albersdorf, Styria. Our Warehouse & logistics are not far away in Graz, Austria. S-TEC is an employer for around 150 employees.
We believe that a modern company is not only distinguished by the quality of its products, but also by its corporate culture.

We understand as our mandate the demands and expectations of our interested parties (customers, employees, owners, suppliers & partners, society)
Customer-oriented, economically and ethically correct, as well as resource-conserving, sustainable and safe.




4×4 Fest 2023 è organizzato da

Internazionale Marmi e Macchine Carrarafiere Spa
Viale G. Galilei, 133 Marina di Carrara (MS) – Italy
Tel 0585.787963
E-mail: 4x4fest@carrarafiere.it
P.IVA: 00207170457

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